Ways to Contribute


While many nonprofit organizations, including Priority2Work, provide services largely through volunteers, there are still expenses in operating the organization. We incur charges for copying materials; postage for mailings; maintaining the Priority2Work website; and publicizing Priority2Work’s efforts throughout the area it serves.

Moreover, Priority2Work is looking to expand the reach and the effectiveness of its mission. Through a recently updated Website and the increased awareness due to merging Priority Two and Discover HOPE Here into Priority2Work we will need a major redesign of our brochures and publicity so that we can continue to serve the community.

We are an all-volunteer organization, charge no fees for our services, and ask only that participants consider a donation whenever they can afford it and consider paying it forward by helping others once they land a job.

So, please contribute now to help get individuals who are unemployed today back into productive roles tomorrow – just as others have done for you.

united way
You can also donate through your employer’s United Way campaign by selecting the Priority2Work Agency Code Number 2102.”


Most nonprofit organizations depend on a core of volunteers to do their good deeds. Priority2Work is one of those.

Priority2Work’s strength lies in the dedicated volunteers who believe in Priority2Work’s  mission.

Our dedicated volunteers believe in Priority2Work’s mission because most have been in need of its services themselves, when they were unemployed. So they want to support people in career transition today.

Opportunities to volunteer can involve as little as a couple of hours a month or as much as five or six evening’s a year. If you are willing to assist, there is an opportunity to serve the unemployed that matches your availability.

For example:

• Interview new participants to assist them in developing a job search strategy.

• Mentor and support job seekers through their search.

• Present on core topics at Priority2Work program sessions, e.g., resume writing, networking, using LinkedIn, interviewing.

• Updating curriculum materials.

• Planning and carrying out events, such as annual dinners, networking events, panel discussions.

• Provide administrative support either at the Priority2Work’s office or remotely from your home.

• Regardless of your skills or time, there is an opportunity for you to assist those in need at Priority Two. Click below to connect with a P2 volunteer to see how you can best do that.

Contact Priority2Work at office@priority2work.org for more information to donate or to volunteer.